A Healing Journey Through Self-Discovery

This and the following publications are intended to help you cultivate awareness and provide you with information and tools to help you navigate your healing journey through self-discovery.

Thu Mar 9, 2023

Be yourself to Be YOU!

Our building blocks at Be2Be-Coaching

We will help you bridge the gap between your personal development -who you are, and what you do to get what you think you need. 

Please know that you are always free to disagree with what you read here. Everything that I will share with you has been helpful in my own healing journey through self-discovery. I have had many masters and teachers whom I will honor along these lines. these blogs (and anything I write) do not serve as a replacement for therapy or trauma work. You may find what you read immensely helpful, or it may not resonate with you at this moment in time. Everybody's journey is different. There are no one-size-fits-all solutions, only you know what’s best for you. Having said that…

Thank you for allowing me to support you in bridging the gap between your personal development and the role you play in your reality as a human. We live in a paradigm where we were trained since we were very little to do in order to have, and that has become our day-to-day task. 

We tend to leave the being behind. We are not human doers, we are human beings. “Until we figure out who we truly are, we will get our sense of self and identity from the world around us”. We are not the color of our skin, our gender, our marital status, our credentials & diplomas, our accomplishments, awards, or medals. We are spiritual beings having a human existence through our experiences. 

We live in a world surrounded by myths, have to’s, and how-tos. If you are like me, you were born and raised in a problem-oriented civilization, culture, society, family, etc., where the current reality is not enough, where we are all focused on creating “something better”. If this is hard for you to grasp, think about this statement -if this is true for you, you are in the right place:  "The future will be better", the unwritten rule would be: Now is not enough

Let’s use happiness as an example. In the problem-oriented structure described above, much of our understanding of what happiness is and where to find it is distorted. We sometimes don’t even know what we are looking for or label what is really bothering us. 

Let’s start by acknowledging this: 

Learning about our emotional health is imperative. Yes, we can! We can learn to take care/manage/handle/process/resolve our emotional baggage. 

To our peace of mind, there is nothing wrong with us, we are not broken, we did not learn to be emotionally self-sufficient because that was not taught when we were little, we learned to deal with our emotions by suppressing them or acting them out to avoid being overwhelmed. We learned behavioral patterns and ways to mask and numb the overwhelming sensations of our emotions by imitating what was modeled to us by the world around us. There is a solution: INFORMATION. 

LEARN, just as we learned how to tie our shoelaces, I will illustrate this using the learning matrix.

When we were very little we didn’t know that there would be a time when we would have to learn how to tie our shoelaces - we didn’t know that we didn’t know, we were unconsciously incompetent. Then, the time came when we knew that we didn’t know how to tie them, we were consciously incompetent. After trying and trying and trying, we learned. We finally knew that we knew, and we became consciously competent. Today, we just know. We just tie them without being conscious that we are doing it, that makes us unconsciously competent.

Adriana Reid

International speaker and author
Founder and CEO of Be2Be-Coaching, passionate about personal development and emotional self-sufficiency.

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